I like to draw... Draw images that swirl into my imagination... Once and then I merge into a different world. Sometimes in my world of wonders, I see myself, my dreams, my future and my destiny. I see people, I see children running around and playing on the green fields of Wonderland, I see myself telling one of them, "Grandson, slow down, you will fall and hurt yourself." I see the sunset over the ever ending river Waterloo, at the end of the world where sky and earth become one. I see the dying sun giving it's last ray of light before the night falls. I also see the long shadows reaching my feet that have been casted by the old castle, which seems to be quietly telling me that the dark night is reaching even faster than it seems, when the monsters and demons will roam the land from the end of to world to the magical forest of Dukendale. I see magical and mystical creatures where I have only read on books. I see a faun as my servant and the centaur and minotaurs as my gaurdians. I see myself looking back through time and remembering the moment when I battled the Dark Lord and lost, a time when I was young and full of hope and dreams. I see the love of my life, the smart and beautiful princess from Deerpark Kingdom, in the evening pink sky and realize how much I am missing her. I feel the wind blowing from the north, I smell the perfume of my soul mate, I feel her securely inside my heart. I see the summer is ending fast. I see fall crawling toward. I see the leaves changing color, golden yellow and red. I see the birds going back. I see myself sitting in my room dreaming about the Wonderland.
March 31, 2009
I like to draw... Draw images that swirl into my imagination... Once and then I merge into a different world. Sometimes in my world of wonders, I see myself, my dreams, my future and my destiny. I see people, I see children running around and playing on the green fields of Wonderland, I see myself telling one of them, "Grandson, slow down, you will fall and hurt yourself." I see the sunset over the ever ending river Waterloo, at the end of the world where sky and earth become one. I see the dying sun giving it's last ray of light before the night falls. I also see the long shadows reaching my feet that have been casted by the old castle, which seems to be quietly telling me that the dark night is reaching even faster than it seems, when the monsters and demons will roam the land from the end of to world to the magical forest of Dukendale. I see magical and mystical creatures where I have only read on books. I see a faun as my servant and the centaur and minotaurs as my gaurdians. I see myself looking back through time and remembering the moment when I battled the Dark Lord and lost, a time when I was young and full of hope and dreams. I see the love of my life, the smart and beautiful princess from Deerpark Kingdom, in the evening pink sky and realize how much I am missing her. I feel the wind blowing from the north, I smell the perfume of my soul mate, I feel her securely inside my heart. I see the summer is ending fast. I see fall crawling toward. I see the leaves changing color, golden yellow and red. I see the birds going back. I see myself sitting in my room dreaming about the Wonderland.
Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 by Amar Baatartsogt
March 30, 2009
(neteer hesch yavaad olov... http://mangarman.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_24.html)
Хамгийн гачлантай нь даруухан байхыг ихэд чухалчлах бөгөөд энэхүү шагнал нь түүний хийсэн зүйлд нь бус хийх гэж байгаа зүйлд нь өгсөн гэдэгт бат итгэж байгаагаа илэн далангүй ярина. Энэ томьёоллоор бол шагнал хүртэнэ гэдэг бол залхуу хүнийг нэг юм хийгээчээ гэж өгч байгаа урмын ташуур гэж ойлгох хэрэгтэй. Тиймээс би нэг Хөдөлмөрийн баатар юм уу, за байгээ гэхнээ гавьяат ажилтан цолоор шагнуулмаар байна. Тэгвэл л овоо юм хийх гээд байна.
Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009 by Amar Baatartsogt
Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009 by Amar Baatartsogt
Хамгийн их уншигдсан
Өнөөдөр майлээ ухаж байгаад сонирхолтой юм олов. 3,4-н жилийн өмнөх дурсамжууд. Цаг хугацаа ч хурдан өнгөрөх юмдаа. :) Энэ хуучин майлыг унш...
Хавар Мөнх тэнгэрийн дор мянга мянган хавар Монголын сайхан оронд жил жил дэлгэр Энх улирал ханхлахад хүний сэтгэл тэнэгэр Өвсний соёо ного...
Хэн зохиосон юу одоо бүү мэд, их инээдтэй бөгөөд үнэн бас хорон үгтэй шүлэг байна. Дээр нэг явж байгаад FB дээр харсан юм, google ухаж байж ...
Шөнө эд дундаасаа нэлээн хэтрээд үүр цайх хаялж байхад би нэг л янзгүйхэн сэрчих нь тэр. Нойр ч нэг их хүрэх шинж алга, хүрэх байсан ч өөртө...
Чшшшшшшш... Чи чимээгүй бүсэд байгаагаа мэдэж байгаа хүн үү үгүй юу, ингэхэд? гэж миний хажууд сууж байгаа хөөрхөн охин хэллээ. Тэгээд би тэ...
B.reed gedeg zaluugiin blogoos huulav. source: http://manvsmandarin.blogspot.com/ About Author B. REED NEW HAVEN, CT, UNITED STATES TUESDAY...
Эр хүн гээд чиний хойноос үргэлж гүйх ёстой юм уу Эр хүн гээд заавал чамайг гуйх ёстой юм уу Эр хүн болхоор л чинийхээр байх ёстой юм уу Эр ...
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