A man travelling by plane and in urgent need to use the men's room is nervously tapping his foot
on the floor of the aircraft. Each time he tried the men's' room door, it was "OCCUPIED".
The stewardess, aware of his predicament suggested that he go ahead and use the Ladies room, but
cautioned him against using any of the buttons inside. The Buttons were marked "WW, WA, PP, and ATR".
Making the mistake that so many men make in disregarding the importance of what a woman says, the man
let his curiosity get the best of him and decided to try the buttons anyway.
He carefully pressed the first button marked "WW" and immediately warm water sprayed all over his
entire bottom. He thought, "WOW, the women really have it made!" Still curious he pressed the button
marked "WA" and a gentle breeze of warm air quickly dried his hind quarters. He thought that was out
of this world! The Button marked "PP" yielded a large powder puff which delicately applied a soft talc
to his rear.
Well, naturally he couldn't resist the last button marked "ATR".
When he woke up in the hospital he panicked and buzzed for the nurse. When she appeared, he cried out,
"What happened to me?! The last thing I remember is I was in the ladies room on a business trip!"
The nurse replied, "Yes you were having a great time until you pressed the "ATR" button which stands for
Automatic Tampon Remover.
Your penis is under your pillow!"
June 26, 2009
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Damn dude...this is hillarious!!!
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